How to crack the dealer in blackjack

Read the Dealer's Cards in Blackjack

Players who have such skill as determining by the expression of the face and behavior of the opponent how serious his cards are, significantly increase their chances of winning. This talent will find its application both in club poker and in the casino.

The topic of the article will be the most relevant for players who visit real casinos, since there are no dealers in virtual ones. Random number generators do an excellent job with their functions. Perhaps they will be of interest to fans of virtual live casinos.

In what cases can this be used?

If we take American types of blackjack as an example, then according to the rules, the croupier receives two cards, and one of them is open. If it’s an ace or ten, then he looks at the hole card to check for blackjack. The dealer must look at the second card discreetly. According to the rules, players should not see the dealer’s face-down card, but his behavior and facial expressions can indicate the characteristics of this card. Players who have the talent to identify the approximate map have a significant advantage in the game.

It is very rare to meet a croupier who randomly gives out the available cards by his behavior. You may have to change a huge number of tables, and even establishments, to find such a dealer. Nevertheless, it is worth it, because, having met him, the probability of winning increases several times.

Seeing through an opponent is an exceptional talent that only professional players have. Their attentiveness makes it easy to analyze and remember all the actions, movements and facial expressions of the enemy, even if they try to hide behind tinted glasses and a hood.

The dealer has a limited number of allowed actions as he must follow certain rules. However, experienced players can get the most out of watching the croupier look at his card.

How to Learn to Read the Dealer's Cards in Blackjack

Is it legal

It is difficult to call such skills of players cheating, since it implies a deliberate violation of the established rules of the game or the casino. There are no such clauses in the law prohibiting the use of such skills.

What are the things to pay attention to

To understand what kind of card the dealer got, you need to pay attention to two important nuances:

  1. How long does he look at the map.
  2. When looking at a card, how far the dealer bends it.

At first glance, these may seem insignificant points, but with their help you can get useful information. Let’s look at a few examples to understand how this works.

The dealer has got a small card, in which case he bends it a little more to be sure that it is not an ace. If the dealer has hit an ace, he must make sure that he is not mistaken. Even professional croupiers, when bending a card, try to make it so that they can fully see its meaning. And beginners can even make mistakes at first and accidentally count their cards.

If the dealer has a card with a picture, then there is no need to consider it completely, since all such cards are equivalent and equal to ten. Therefore, the dealers do not spend much time looking at such a card, which is a small hook for the players.

It is always worth paying attention to how much time the dealer takes to consider the card, at what angle he bends it and from which side. It will also be useful to analyze the reaction of the dealer after viewing the card, so you can notice any non-standard gestures or facial expressions of the dealer. This situation is typical for the croupier, when he has a slightly unstable psychological state, it can be embarrassment from compliments, a reaction to losing or winning, and others.

If you always visit the same institution, then over time you will be able to study all the staff. This may help slightly increase your chances of a positive result.


Today it is quite difficult to find a casino where this kind of games will be held. According to the rules, dealers generally don’t look at the hole card until all players have bet. Basically, these games are not played.